Invigorate yourself with the Aloe Plant. The Aloe Vera Plant has been used for thousands of years due to its amazing healing properties. But did you know the aloe plant also produces remarkable Beauty and Anti-Aging benefits? Cleopatra was just one of the many beautiful women who incorporated the aloe plant in her daily beauty regimen. And with good reason! These are just some of the beauty benefits of the aloe plant:
ALOE VERA is one of the most beneficial plants for many reasons, and has been used in Anti-Aging for thousands of years. Here are some Aloe Vera Beauty Benefits!
INSTANT FACELIFT: Squeeze fresh Aloe Vera Gel out and rub into skin before bed. Sleep in it and wake up with an instant facelift! It tightens, moisturizes, clarifies and soothes while you sleep. It’s a lso a great astringent and helps in tightening the pores.
EYES: Aloe vera reduces the puffiness of the eyes. So if you wake up to puffy eyes, gently massage your eyes with aloe vera gel.
You can also apply aloe vera gel on red blotches which are bound to happen when you get your eyebrows plucked, same is the case with the facial hair.
LIPS: Aloe vera is rich in vitamin E so it works wonders for the lips. Aloe vera is used for treating chapped lips or even dry lips and why wouldn’t it treat dry and chapped lips after all aloe vera is water plant. Mix aloe vera with olive oil for a great great lip balm substitute.
SKIN: If have been mentioning this over and over again, in all my skin related home remedies, that aloe vera is Holy Grail for the skin, trust me. It’s the best moisturizer, skin tightener and soother.
Here’s how you use it on your skin:
If you have skin burns, acne, cuts, scars and blisters simply apply the gel straight to the area of concern. Aloe vera basically has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties so it helps in curing burns and insect bites very decently. Not just this, it helps in reducing skin marks, stretch marks, blemishes and also aging skin and skin spots. Aloe vera works as a skin brightener too, it helps in getting rid of pigmentation. It’s a great facial cleanser and the best skin nourisher since its rich I 18 amino acids, vitamins of different kinds and minerals too.
HAIR: Aloe vera wonderfully works for your hair too. It scrubs of your dandruff, and afflictions like psoriasis and seborrhea. It also helps in reducing hairfall. For the men, you can substitute aloe vera gel, for your styling gel too.
SCRUBS: Make your own aloe vera scrubs by mixing sugar or sea salt , aloe vera gel and lemon juice, aloe vera gel, almond oil and honey.
You can get the whole Aloe Plant or Aloe Vera Leaf at Whole Foods or most Natural Health Foods Store.
INSTANT FACELIFT: Squeeze fresh Aloe Vera Gel out and rub into skin before bed. Sleep in it and wake up with an instant facelift! It tightens, moisturizes, clarifies and soothes while you sleep. It’s a lso a great astringent and helps in tightening the pores.
EYES: Aloe vera reduces the puffiness of the eyes. So if you wake up to puffy eyes, gently massage your eyes with aloe vera gel.
You can also apply aloe vera gel on red blotches which are bound to happen when you get your eyebrows plucked, same is the case with the facial hair.
LIPS: Aloe vera is rich in vitamin E so it works wonders for the lips. Aloe vera is used for treating chapped lips or even dry lips and why wouldn’t it treat dry and chapped lips after all aloe vera is water plant. Mix aloe vera with olive oil for a great great lip balm substitute.
SKIN: If have been mentioning this over and over again, in all my skin related home remedies, that aloe vera is Holy Grail for the skin, trust me. It’s the best moisturizer, skin tightener and soother.
Here’s how you use it on your skin:
If you have skin burns, acne, cuts, scars and blisters simply apply the gel straight to the area of concern. Aloe vera basically has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties so it helps in curing burns and insect bites very decently. Not just this, it helps in reducing skin marks, stretch marks, blemishes and also aging skin and skin spots. Aloe vera works as a skin brightener too, it helps in getting rid of pigmentation. It’s a great facial cleanser and the best skin nourisher since its rich I 18 amino acids, vitamins of different kinds and minerals too.
HAIR: Aloe vera wonderfully works for your hair too. It scrubs of your dandruff, and afflictions like psoriasis and seborrhea. It also helps in reducing hairfall. For the men, you can substitute aloe vera gel, for your styling gel too.
SCRUBS: Make your own aloe vera scrubs by mixing sugar or sea salt , aloe vera gel and lemon juice, aloe vera gel, almond oil and honey.
You can get the whole Aloe Plant or Aloe Vera Leaf at Whole Foods or most Natural Health Foods Store.