Mushrooms have long been used for many different things. But did you know some species of mushrooms are some of the most powerful immune boosters on the planet?
The Chinese & Japanese have been using medicinal mushrooms for thousands of years to not only prevent, but also treat a host of different conditions & to boost the immune system. You can consume them as foods, elixirs, or in supplement form to reap the health benefits of these anti-fungul fungi! Beauty stems from our internal health, so keeping our internal systems healthy, our immune systems up will show through our glowing & youthful skin.
The Chinese & Japanese have been using medicinal mushrooms for thousands of years to not only prevent, but also treat a host of different conditions & to boost the immune system. You can consume them as foods, elixirs, or in supplement form to reap the health benefits of these anti-fungul fungi! Beauty stems from our internal health, so keeping our internal systems healthy, our immune systems up will show through our glowing & youthful skin.
Tremella Mushroom: The Beauty Mushroom Tremella also called Silver Ear Mushroom, with its large loose lobes, is very popular in Chinese cuisine and is rich with dietary fibers and Vitamin D. Tremella Mushroom is used in Asia as a Qi and immune tonic.* Tremella mushroom is also highly prized as a youthful skin tonic for a healthy complexion.* It is said that imperial Concubine Yang (719-756), considered to be the most beautiful woman in Chinese history, used tremella mushroom for her facial and body maintenance. Tremella Mushroom, also called "White Jelly Leaf Mushroom", is a very popular medicinal mushroom used in cough syrup for treating chronic tracheitis and a number of other cough-related conditions such as asthma, dry cough and heat in the lungs in traditional Chinese medicine.
REISHI MUSHROOM: Reishi has been called an "immune potentiator." Recent studies have indicated that Reishi can have a number of other effects: Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiviral through inducing interferon production, Lowers blood pressure, Cardiotonic action through lowering serum cholesterol, Expectorant & Antitussive, Liver (Hepatitis)-protecting and detoxifying, protection against ionizing radiation, Antibacterial, and Anti-HIV activity. Reishi contains calcium, iron and phosphorus as well as vitamins C, D, and B - including pantothenic acid, which is essential to nerve function and the adrenal glands.
Immune Capsules with Reishi Mushroom
Reishi Beauty Serum
Cordyceps Mushroom: Cordyceps, seem to strongly nourish and activate various components of the immune system, useful in treating cancer, chronic fatigue and other immune disorders. Cordyceps can be a powerful stimulant for macrophage activity, strengthening your immune system's ability to fight against bacterial and viral infection.
Human clinical studies indicate that Cordyceps can be effective for treatment of high cholesterol, poor libido/impotence, arrhythmia, lung cancer, and chronic kidney failure. It is also reported that Cordyceps causes smooth muscle relaxation. This can make it especially helpful for treating chronic coughs, asthma, and other bronchial conditions. It also seems to have value in treating nephritis, may help the immune system recognize tumors that otherwise might escape immune surveillance, and has positive effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and an anti-aging effect.
You can purchase quality Cordyceps mushroom at these 2 sites:
Cordyceps Mushroom capsules
Cordyceps Mushroom Packets from Japan
Shiitake Mushroom: Shiitake for centuries called the "Elixir of Life", has been licensed as a anti-cancer drug by the Japanese FDA. Lentinan has shown some effect on bowel cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer. Lentinan stimulates the production of T lymphocytes and natural killer cells and can potentiate the effect of AZT in the anti-viral treatment of A.I.D.S. Shiitake is rich in several anti-oxidants (Selenium, Uric acid & Vitamin A, E, & C) as well as Vitamin D.
Yun Zhi Mushroom: Yun-zhi, generally called "zhi" in ancient times, refers to a cloud-like mushroom with health-promoting qualities.Yun Zhi, or the Cloud Mushroom, has been used to dispel dampness, reduce phlegm, treat pulmonary infections, to strengthen the tendons and bones, for vital energy, and to support liver health. Researchers and traditional herbalists have discovered that polysaccharides in Yunzhi mushroom possess broad immune stimulatory properties that helps to boster the body's defenses against microbes and an array of cancers.
Benefits - Assists with immune function, high in vegetable proteins, promotes good health and vitality. Yunzhi polysaccharides have been shown to maintain the immune system in a healthy condition, or boost an immune system by increasing white blood cell count, the primary agents of the body responsible for fighting infection, helping to reduce nausea and discomfort.
Other noteable Mushrooms:
Maitake Mushroom has been used as a tonic and adaptogen. It was used as a food to help promote wellness and vitality.
Agaricus Mushroom is traditionally known as "God's Mushroom" because of its near miraculous curative benefits to a wide range of disorders. People have used it to overcome numerous diseases and disorders relating to the immune system, cardiovascular system, digestion, and for weight management, diabetes, chronic and acute allergies, cataracts, hearing difficulties, stress syndrome, chronic fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, and disorders of the liver.
Agaricus Mushroom from Japan
Warning: It is extremely important that you research mushrooms thoroughly if you intend to harvest your own wild mushrooms because many varieties are highly poisonous! It is advisable to purchase mushrooms from a reputable grower or grocer rather than hunting them yourself.
tags: anna scurry, josh scurry, joshua scurry, medicinal mushrooms, fungi, anti-fungal, immune boosters, alive new york, alive ny, joshua daniel scurry, anna marie scurry, reishi mushroom, mushrooms to fight cancer, cordyceps, the glamorganic life, glamorganic, glamorganic life,
REISHI MUSHROOM: Reishi has been called an "immune potentiator." Recent studies have indicated that Reishi can have a number of other effects: Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Antiviral through inducing interferon production, Lowers blood pressure, Cardiotonic action through lowering serum cholesterol, Expectorant & Antitussive, Liver (Hepatitis)-protecting and detoxifying, protection against ionizing radiation, Antibacterial, and Anti-HIV activity. Reishi contains calcium, iron and phosphorus as well as vitamins C, D, and B - including pantothenic acid, which is essential to nerve function and the adrenal glands.
Immune Capsules with Reishi Mushroom
Reishi Beauty Serum
Cordyceps Mushroom: Cordyceps, seem to strongly nourish and activate various components of the immune system, useful in treating cancer, chronic fatigue and other immune disorders. Cordyceps can be a powerful stimulant for macrophage activity, strengthening your immune system's ability to fight against bacterial and viral infection.
Human clinical studies indicate that Cordyceps can be effective for treatment of high cholesterol, poor libido/impotence, arrhythmia, lung cancer, and chronic kidney failure. It is also reported that Cordyceps causes smooth muscle relaxation. This can make it especially helpful for treating chronic coughs, asthma, and other bronchial conditions. It also seems to have value in treating nephritis, may help the immune system recognize tumors that otherwise might escape immune surveillance, and has positive effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems, and an anti-aging effect.
You can purchase quality Cordyceps mushroom at these 2 sites:
Cordyceps Mushroom capsules
Cordyceps Mushroom Packets from Japan
Shiitake Mushroom: Shiitake for centuries called the "Elixir of Life", has been licensed as a anti-cancer drug by the Japanese FDA. Lentinan has shown some effect on bowel cancer, liver cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer and lung cancer. Lentinan stimulates the production of T lymphocytes and natural killer cells and can potentiate the effect of AZT in the anti-viral treatment of A.I.D.S. Shiitake is rich in several anti-oxidants (Selenium, Uric acid & Vitamin A, E, & C) as well as Vitamin D.
Yun Zhi Mushroom: Yun-zhi, generally called "zhi" in ancient times, refers to a cloud-like mushroom with health-promoting qualities.Yun Zhi, or the Cloud Mushroom, has been used to dispel dampness, reduce phlegm, treat pulmonary infections, to strengthen the tendons and bones, for vital energy, and to support liver health. Researchers and traditional herbalists have discovered that polysaccharides in Yunzhi mushroom possess broad immune stimulatory properties that helps to boster the body's defenses against microbes and an array of cancers.
Benefits - Assists with immune function, high in vegetable proteins, promotes good health and vitality. Yunzhi polysaccharides have been shown to maintain the immune system in a healthy condition, or boost an immune system by increasing white blood cell count, the primary agents of the body responsible for fighting infection, helping to reduce nausea and discomfort.
Other noteable Mushrooms:
Maitake Mushroom has been used as a tonic and adaptogen. It was used as a food to help promote wellness and vitality.
Agaricus Mushroom is traditionally known as "God's Mushroom" because of its near miraculous curative benefits to a wide range of disorders. People have used it to overcome numerous diseases and disorders relating to the immune system, cardiovascular system, digestion, and for weight management, diabetes, chronic and acute allergies, cataracts, hearing difficulties, stress syndrome, chronic fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, and disorders of the liver.
Agaricus Mushroom from Japan
Warning: It is extremely important that you research mushrooms thoroughly if you intend to harvest your own wild mushrooms because many varieties are highly poisonous! It is advisable to purchase mushrooms from a reputable grower or grocer rather than hunting them yourself.
tags: anna scurry, josh scurry, joshua scurry, medicinal mushrooms, fungi, anti-fungal, immune boosters, alive new york, alive ny, joshua daniel scurry, anna marie scurry, reishi mushroom, mushrooms to fight cancer, cordyceps, the glamorganic life, glamorganic, glamorganic life,