Lose Pounds:
Weight loss, how to lose pounds. The weight and obesity crisis is no secret anymore, and it is a growing epidemic. Despite all the new diet fads,diet foods, diet meals and slimming products and information being everywhere.
That is because everything we have thought or learned about how to lose weight and weight loss is FALSE. So before we go any further on how to lose pounds, how to lose weight without a diet, no diet foods, potions or pills; let’s debunk the dangerous weight loss myths first. So the 1st one:
Weight loss, how to lose pounds. The weight and obesity crisis is no secret anymore, and it is a growing epidemic. Despite all the new diet fads,diet foods, diet meals and slimming products and information being everywhere.
That is because everything we have thought or learned about how to lose weight and weight loss is FALSE. So before we go any further on how to lose pounds, how to lose weight without a diet, no diet foods, potions or pills; let’s debunk the dangerous weight loss myths first. So the 1st one:
Exercise More:
We all hear this from our friends, family even doctors now. “You just need to exercise more for weight control” “You lose weight with a diet and more exercise.” WRONG.
Our nation is in a state of intense exercisers, extreme dieters who still can’t lose the weight. So why is this? The truth is it is NOT your fault that you are struggling with weight loss and weight control. It’s your hormones’ fault! We are in a state of toxicity overload and acidity overload. read more about that on this link here. You are not overweight, you’re over-acidic and overtoxic. So addressing weight loss with a diet or more exercise won’t fix the problem. PROPER detoxification on the cellular level, achieving and maintaining the pH balance in our body and a specific and targeted exercise routine that only talks 10 minutes a day will do the trick. You will lose weight with this simple and extremely effective weight loss tip.
Eat Less:
We are plagued with caloric restriction, low calorie diets, diet foods and diet meals everywhere. It may work for us short term sure, but then that pesky weight comes back with a vengeance once we get off the strict diet. That is because this is disrupting our natural hormonal state, and hormones control everything with weight loss and tells our body how to lose pounds and burn fat. The truth is, calories in and calories out is FALSE. Go back 100-200-1,000 years. They never counted calories, this is a new thing society does. Ask yourself why. Is it because we are eating more, or is it because we are surrounded by so many toxins, chemicals, and man-made unnatural food, drinks, personal care products etc that it is throwing our entire bodily functions out of whack? It’s time to get back to the basics for weight loss and other health conditions. No gimmicks, potions or pills. Just a lifestyle built upon simplicity, enjoy ability and natural organic living. No more calorie counting.
Reduce Fat:
Fat burns fat. Ok ok I know what you’re thinking, ‘fat makes you fat though!’ Again this is WRONG. In fact, so wrong that it is causing far worse health conditions that just weight loss! Good Fats in their natural form and in it’s natural ratio is NECESSARY and VITAL for weight loss and hormone balancing, thyroid conditions and diabetes. If you see foods that say “low-fat” or “non-fat” on them that definition actually means “chemical sh*tstorm. Throwing our hormones including Leptin even further out of whack, increasing our toxicity levels dramatically (due to the chemicals added in the process of removing/reducing fat). Leptin needs good healthy fats to work properly. Leptin is the hormone that tells our body to burn fat for energy, it also tells our brain when we are full. These low fat diet foods and diets are causing severe hormone disruption. And weight loss and health is completely reliant upon proper hormone function, thus concluding that weight loss foods and any diet that you are on MUST contain good, health, natural fats.
Eat More Whole Grains
Oh boy, this one that we have had pushed on us for years now is perhaps one of the most problematic myths in our quest to lose pounds, have weight reduction and maintain weight control. The truth is grains are the cause of so many problems in today’s world due to the cross-breeding of grains/wheat, Genetically modified foods all resulting in foreign proteins and chemicals our bodies cannot recognize and treat like foreign invaders. Whole Grains disrupt our hormones, cause multiple diseases, destroy our gut and brain health (the gut is the 2nd brain), and it is impossible to lose weight with Whole Grains (unless they are ancient 100% natural and organic). You see grains turn to sugar in our body, and are actually worse than sugar itself! Eliminating ALL grains for 30-45 days (after you can incorporate ancient natural grains back in) will allow you to feel better than you ever have while slimming you through weight reduction.
You must be willing to unlearn everything you have ever learned about diet foods, fat, calories, weight control, weight reduction, weight loss and diet. And re-learn what works, because if you do you will learn how to lose weight fast, how to lose body fat, how to maintain weight control, and most importantly how to become a fat burner and not only look better, but also feel better than you ever have!
If you really want to know how to lose weight fast The ALIVE Academy offers a comprehensive Weight Loss program both in-person and virtual that incorporates detoxification, balancing the body’s pH, and will teach you how to lose weight with delicious foods, minimal exercise, and slimming tips that will boost your energy, mood and HGH production!
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SOURCES: www.TheALIVEAcademy.com
Exercise More:
We all hear this from our friends, family even doctors now. “You just need to exercise more for weight control” “You lose weight with a diet and more exercise.” WRONG.
Our nation is in a state of intense exercisers, extreme dieters who still can’t lose the weight. So why is this? The truth is it is NOT your fault that you are struggling with weight loss and weight control. It’s your hormones’ fault! We are in a state of toxicity overload and acidity overload. read more about that on this link here. You are not overweight, you’re over-acidic and overtoxic. So addressing weight loss with a diet or more exercise won’t fix the problem. PROPER detoxification on the cellular level, achieving and maintaining the pH balance in our body and a specific and targeted exercise routine that only talks 10 minutes a day will do the trick. You will lose weight with this simple and extremely effective weight loss tip.
Eat Less:
We are plagued with caloric restriction, low calorie diets, diet foods and diet meals everywhere. It may work for us short term sure, but then that pesky weight comes back with a vengeance once we get off the strict diet. That is because this is disrupting our natural hormonal state, and hormones control everything with weight loss and tells our body how to lose pounds and burn fat. The truth is, calories in and calories out is FALSE. Go back 100-200-1,000 years. They never counted calories, this is a new thing society does. Ask yourself why. Is it because we are eating more, or is it because we are surrounded by so many toxins, chemicals, and man-made unnatural food, drinks, personal care products etc that it is throwing our entire bodily functions out of whack? It’s time to get back to the basics for weight loss and other health conditions. No gimmicks, potions or pills. Just a lifestyle built upon simplicity, enjoy ability and natural organic living. No more calorie counting.
Reduce Fat:
Fat burns fat. Ok ok I know what you’re thinking, ‘fat makes you fat though!’ Again this is WRONG. In fact, so wrong that it is causing far worse health conditions that just weight loss! Good Fats in their natural form and in it’s natural ratio is NECESSARY and VITAL for weight loss and hormone balancing, thyroid conditions and diabetes. If you see foods that say “low-fat” or “non-fat” on them that definition actually means “chemical sh*tstorm. Throwing our hormones including Leptin even further out of whack, increasing our toxicity levels dramatically (due to the chemicals added in the process of removing/reducing fat). Leptin needs good healthy fats to work properly. Leptin is the hormone that tells our body to burn fat for energy, it also tells our brain when we are full. These low fat diet foods and diets are causing severe hormone disruption. And weight loss and health is completely reliant upon proper hormone function, thus concluding that weight loss foods and any diet that you are on MUST contain good, health, natural fats.
Eat More Whole Grains
Oh boy, this one that we have had pushed on us for years now is perhaps one of the most problematic myths in our quest to lose pounds, have weight reduction and maintain weight control. The truth is grains are the cause of so many problems in today’s world due to the cross-breeding of grains/wheat, Genetically modified foods all resulting in foreign proteins and chemicals our bodies cannot recognize and treat like foreign invaders. Whole Grains disrupt our hormones, cause multiple diseases, destroy our gut and brain health (the gut is the 2nd brain), and it is impossible to lose weight with Whole Grains (unless they are ancient 100% natural and organic). You see grains turn to sugar in our body, and are actually worse than sugar itself! Eliminating ALL grains for 30-45 days (after you can incorporate ancient natural grains back in) will allow you to feel better than you ever have while slimming you through weight reduction.
You must be willing to unlearn everything you have ever learned about diet foods, fat, calories, weight control, weight reduction, weight loss and diet. And re-learn what works, because if you do you will learn how to lose weight fast, how to lose body fat, how to maintain weight control, and most importantly how to become a fat burner and not only look better, but also feel better than you ever have!
If you really want to know how to lose weight fast The ALIVE Academy offers a comprehensive Weight Loss program both in-person and virtual that incorporates detoxification, balancing the body’s pH, and will teach you how to lose weight with delicious foods, minimal exercise, and slimming tips that will boost your energy, mood and HGH production!
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SOURCES: www.TheALIVEAcademy.com