MSM is a naturally occurring, sulfur containing organic compound found in every cell of the human body. Biologically active sulfur is a critical nutrient to remain youthful and energetic, David Wolfe states in his book "Eating For Beauty" that sulphur (MSM) is the most beautifying of all nutrients and is the best cosmetic in the world! MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is an organic sulfur compound that’s naturally derived during the earth’s rain cycle. Sulfur is present in many natural unprocessed foods, but it’s quickly lost during the cooking process. If you

don't get enough sulfur/MSM it can wreak havoc on your body in many different ways. Sulfur is stored in every cell of the body. Your body won't be able to repair or replace damaged tissue fast enough. If this occurs, the body compensates by producing abnormal cells that may lead to illness and disease. You will also experience a sensitivity to pain. Sulfur deficiencies are also associated with gastrointestinal problems, a poor immune system, arthritis, and rheumatism, memory loss and acne. It can also lead to brittle nails and hair, dermatological problems and dry skin.
1. Improves skin health and complexion
MSM is necessary for collagen production.Our skin is made up of the proteins: collagen, keratin and elastin. MSM is used in the production of both keratin and collagen. Together collagen, keratin and elastin work to create beautiful skin. As we age our body produces less collagen and our skin losses it's youthful appearance. I've found that MSM can turn back the hands of time.Sagging skin and wrinkles, as well as dry, cracked skin are all developed through a loss of collagen. MSM works together with Vitamin C to build new, healthy tissues. MSM can normalize collagen formation and radically improve skin health as well as give you a dewy glowing complexion! MSM is a definite must have for beauty!
2. Improves flexibility
Research has shown that MSM is highly effective in improving joint flexibility. Additionally, it helps to produce flexible skin and muscle tissue. This leads to an increase in overall flexibility due to a restoration of the “juiciness” in the tissues.
3. Detoxifies the body
One of the most important features of MSM is that it makes your cells more permeable. This means that it allows toxins and metabolic waste products to easily be moved out of the cells, while essential nutrients and hydration can be moved in. It’s a calcium phosphate dissolver, so it has a remarkable ability to break up the bad calcium that’s at the root of degenerative diseases.
4. Strengthens hair and nails
Collagen and keratin and both critical for the production of healthy hair and nails. MSM is a bonafide “beauty mineral” that provides the sulfur needed to produce collagen and keratin. It’s also highly noted to contribute to exceptional strength and thickness of the hair and nails, which can be noticed in just a couple weeks of consistent use.
5. Protects Against Parasites
MSM has proven to be a very effective treatment for parasites. Research shows that MSM works by laying a coating over the intestinal areas where some types of parasites normally attach themselves. This coating makes it impossible for parasites to attach themselves to your body. Since they are not attached to your body, the parasites are simply flushed out of your system through the process of elimination. MSM can be used against worms, giardia, trichomonas, and other types of parasites.
6. Accelerates healing
Lactic acid and other byproducts cause pain and soreness in the body. MSM increases the ability of the body to eliminate waste products at the cellular level. This speeds recovery and frees up more energy for rebuilding.
7. Naturally Increases energy
Due to the increased permeability of the cells, less energy is required to deal with the accumulation of toxins. MSM Enhances Your Nutrient Absorption Also through increased oxygen absorption MSM is a natural energy enhancer.
8. Increased Nutrient Absorption
MSM increases the absorption of nutrients so that the energy expenditure on digestion is vastly reduced, allowing you to more adequately utilize the nutrients you are consuming. Studies show that a lot of vitamins and other vital nutrients may not be utilized in the best possible manner unless they coexist with MSM to lock it.
9. Anti-inflammatory
MSM is a powerful anti-inflammatory due to its ability to allow metabolic wastes to be removed from the cells. Excess weight on the body is actually inflammation. The cells of the body are chronically inflamed and retaining the byproducts of metabolic processes. Sulfur needs to be present In order for these toxins and wastes to be removed from the body. When these byproducts can be removed from the system, then the cells can also dispose of excess fluids that were being stored as a buffer. What results is a natural and effective reduction in unwanted weight.
10. Cell Regeneration
MSM Ensures connective tissue health and the formation of collagen. In addition to that, it provides the body with raw materials required for creation of new cells, repairing and replacement of damaged tissues and organs.
How to use MSM:
MSM can be purchased in powder form or in supplement capsules. For best results using the MSM powder, added it to your water along with a botanical source of Vitamin C like Camu Camu Berry or lemon juice. Most MSM supplements are derived from petroleum, you can get a 100% plant derived MSM right here: Nature's Sunshine MSM or at EarthShift Products.
Start with one teaspoon of MSM powder in 16 ounces of water or 1500mg, and gradually work your way up to 2 to 3 tablespoons per day or 4000mg to see some really impressive results. However start slowly as the waste in your blood stream can cause all kinds of problems ranging from flu-like symptoms to re-experiencing the effects of drugs that you have taken in the past. For example, heavy caffeine users may feel extra jittery. The key to reducing or eliminating detox symptoms is to start on MSM slowly so that the waste in your tissues is released slowly and to drink lots of water so that the released toxins will be flushed out of your body quickly.
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